When a stamping die gives out, manufacturing stops – an interruption that major car companies cannot afford to let happen.

That’s why Ford turned to Detail Technologies to reverse-engineer two Mustang stamping dies that were nearing the end of their life span.

Detail Technologies builds original and duplicate plastic injection molds, stamping dies, compression molds, and individual components.


The company relies on Geomagic Wrap software, which automatically converts point clouds from a scanned physical part into accurate digital models for downstream CAD/CAM and machining.

Most often, tool steels that come to Detail Technologies were originally cut to CAD data, then altered by hand to accurately form the parts. That fine-tuning makes duplication a challenge.

“Stamping steel is not an exact science, and steels are almost always altered from design intent,” says John Amos, a reverse-engineering specialist at Detail Technologies. Eventually these steels need to be repaired, replaced or copied.

The scanned steels and the matching 3D data created in Geomagic Wrap.

“Unless a customer with great vision obtained the data for future reference,” says Amos, “there is typically no way to reproduce steels without going through the same tedious process.”

That was the position Ford found itself in when the steel tools for stamping and restriking a Mustang cross-member – a part of the frame that attaches the rails – reached the end of their lifecycles. Rather than invest $400 million to retool a Mustang model still on the market, Ford opted to tack on a few more good years by finding someone to rebuild the aging tools before they officially fell out of commission.

Re-building to avoid re-tooling

“Die” is a generic term used to describe the tooling that produces stamped parts. A die set consists of two opposing components that first form, and then punch, holes in steel. The upper half of the die set is mounted on a press ram and delivers the stroke action; the lower half is attached to an intermediate bolster plate, which in turn is secured to the press bed. Guide pins are used to ensure alignment between the upper and lower halves.

Generally, the tools have a projected lifespan of between eight and 12 years.

“Stuff wears down,” says Amos, "and anyone who has seen how stamping works knows that the process is abusive to tools.”

Life expectancy for tools is cycle-dependant – the Ford Mustang is not a huge seller, for example, so its tools would have a longer life expectancy than those for an F-Series truck or an Escape SUV.

As long as demand for the vehicles remains, production will be extended with no change to the structural parts. With each extension, the risk for complete failure increases.

“Someone always has to have the responsibility of saying, ‘allocate the money to make these tools more reliable before we have a disaster,’” Amos says. “The Mustang tools were not broken. They could possibly have run another year or two. But the probability of failure and the cost of that failure outweighed the cost of re-building a couple of tools.”

Creating new tools from old

The two Mustang tools that Ford decided to have rebuilt are used to stamp cross-members that are about 6 feet long and 8 inches wide. Sheets of steel are laid in the first tool, stamped, then restruck with the second tool to further force the corners. A backlog of parts was created to meet requirements while the tools were taken apart, scanned and rebuilt.

Forty-two individual steels were sent to Detail Technologies – 21 per tool – each about the size of a breadbox. They were scanned with a Laser Design, Inc. RPS450 scanner, which has a data collection rate of up to 14,400 points per second. Two data collection sensors operate independently, enabling data that falls in the shadow of some other geometry on the part to be reached.

Amos scanned the steels in their first orientations with each of the two separate sensors then manipulated either the steels or the scanner into another position as needed to collect missed sections. This process was repeated until point-cloud data was collected for complete coverage. 

Amos wrote down the coordinates of at least three of the orientation spheres in his final scanned file matrix, and inserted the PH10 probe head back into the CMM to measure 2D data (lines, dowels, screws) as well as the spheres themselves. That enabled a rotation matrix to be created for marrying the files together.

After final scanning, the original tools were reassembled and put back into production. Another backlog of parts was created for when it came time to disassemble and reassemble the new steels.

The final point-cloud data for the steels – each containing 3 to 4 million points – was loaded into Geomagic Wrap, where Amos set the distance sample to .005, and curvature sample to about 70 percent. He shaded the point cloud and isolated any areas that looked problematic. This reduced the point cloud to a more manageable size, while still keeping the points necessary to maintain accuracy.

“Welds on the tool surface cause pitting that will result in an ugly polygon,” Amos says. “The surfaces need to be smooth, or else the tool would show up looking welded again.”

Once rough areas were fixed, Amos continued with a surface wrap – cleaning and relaxing the data to the default settings and eliminating spikes. He isolated the holes – spots where there were voids in the data – and filled them using mathematical controls available in the software.

The resulting surface boundaries were manipulated, constrained and or unconstrained, and shuffled until Amos had a structure that would create accurate workable surfaces. He applied and surfaced grids – usually to the default settings – then created an error map to match the created surfaces with the points from which they were created.

The two data sets were saved as an IGES file and loaded into the MasterCam CAD system, along with a CMM file containing the sphere locations. Amos used the sphere location information to manipulate the two data sets into the same orientation, and extended edge surfaces that were cut off (a trim edge, for example) during the reverse-engineering process. The finalized CAD file was saved for the CAM department.

Archiving data before the fact

The CAM department used the CAD files produced from the steels of the two tools to manufacture blocks that were rough-machined, semi-finished, heat-treated and hard-milled into identical tool replacements. The finalized tools were shipped to Ford and in production after a total of five weeks – four days devoted to the scanning and modeling, the rest of the time to taking apart the tools and manufacturing. The tools were out of production for only 10 days.

Geomagic Studio was used to create accurate workable surfaces to remake the tools

The amount of time could be reduced even more, Amos says, if manufacturers would make it standard practice to reverse-engineer tools once an approved part is created, ensuring that a digital archive is always available. When a tool approaches its breaking point, the data would be accessed, the tool recreated, and the old switched out with the new.

“We have an extensive file-server system and pride ourselves on being extremely proficient at keeping archived data,” Amos says. “But so often the reverse-engineering work I do revolves around recreating data that a customer can no longer locate. There’s generally no down time available in production tool runs, so when they need it, they need it now. It would be nice if businesses would invest in the security of having a reproducible product up front by scanning tools right after certification. The process would be much more efficient.”

       当冲压模具报废的时候,生产制造会被迫停滞。汽车制造商大多无法承受这样的停滞发生。这就是为什么福特 (Ford)公司求助Detail Technologies公司对两个要达到使用寿命的野马汽车(Mustang)冲压模具实施逆向工程。

       Detail Technologies生产新的和复制注塑模、冲压模、压铸模及各个部件。公司使用Geomagic Design X逆向工程软件,Geomagic能够处理三维扫描实物零件得到的点云, 自动把点云转换成精确的数字模型,以用于下游CAD/CAM/CAE系统和机械加工及分析。



       通常,送到Detail Technologies公司的模具钢已经是先按CAD数据被切削,然后再通过手工精度调整制成零件。微调工序成为复制精度重复性的难题。

       “冲压钢不是一门精密科学,这些钢通常与设计意图有所不同。”John Amos说,他是Detail Technologies公司的逆向工程专家。最终这些钢需要被修复,替换或复制。








       模具的期望寿命依赖于工作周期。例如,福特野马汽车不是销量很大的车型,因此它的模具将比F系列卡车或Escape SUV运动型多功能车具有更长的期望寿命。


       “工程师的责任在于对问题的警觉性 ‘我们在模具彻底失效前,投入资金来重建模具更可靠’,”Amos说,“野马汽车模具没有失效过,它们可能再运转一两年。但是失效的可能性和代价要远高于重新开几个模具的成本。”



       42个独立的模块,每组模具21个,每个模块大约面包盒大小。用LDI RPS450扫描仪采集点云,这种扫描仪数据采集率可以达到每秒14,400个点。两个数据采集传感器独立工作,以保证零件上一些几何背影特征的数据能够被采集。




       零件的整体点云数据(每个零件包含3到4百万个点)被导入Geomagic Wrap软件,这里Amos设置采样距离为0.005英寸,曲率采样为大约70%。他对点云数据进行着色,分离出任何看上去有问题的区域。根据工程需要减少点云数据并保持一定量的扫描点以保证精度。


        Geomagic 软件里有精确的算法,用于修复粗糙的区域。Amos继续进行曲面设计,他用Geomagic Wrap补曲面凹陷和消除钉状数据。他可以分离孔和面的区别(数据空缺的地方),并用软件里精确的算法控制来填充这些孔。


       两个数据集(点云和曲面)被保存为IGES文件,然后连同一个包含定位球信息的CMM文件一起导入MasterCAM CAD系统中。Amos使用球位置信息来对齐两个数据集到相同的坐标位置,并延伸在逆向工程过程中被剪切掉的边界曲面。最终完成的CAD文件被保存给CAM部门。





