By the 3D Systems team.
The cool thing about many 3D Systems products is that with the right tools and some simple skills, you can easily create custom goods. Rather than just talking about it, though, we often conduct projects to prove these things out.
One project we have conducted for more than 3 years now is creating custom foosball players of our software team here in the 3D Systems Cary NC., office. This allows us to test out new versions of our affordable 3D scanning, software and CubePro printing.
For the release of the new generation Sense 3D scanner, we again decided to put our tools to the test for the Foosball table.
(above) We scanned Product Manager, Josh Kistner, with the new Sense scanner and a Surface Pro tablet.
(Above) The completed scan was exported to Geomagic Sculpt to be smoothed and given definition that better resembles Josh’s features. The CAD data of the foosball piece was easily imported into Geomagic Sculpt and joined with the finished model of Josh.
Once modeling is complete, the data was prepped for 3D print and sent to the CubePro 3D printer.
(Above) 5 hours later, the piece was completed and ready to go onto the foosball table for some epic inter-office games.
By the 3D Systems team.
3D Systems产品最酷的地方在于,只要用对了工具,加上简单的技巧,你就能轻松创造出属于自己的自定义产品。不过,我们可不只是纸上谈兵,我们还会常常通过开展项目证明我们所言非虚。
我们目前手头有一个已经进行了3年多的项目,此项目中,位于美国北卡罗来纳州Cary的3D Systems公司的软件团队正在进行自定义桌上足球球员的实验。通过这个项目,我们得以测试价格实惠的最新版本3D扫描仪、软件与CubePro打印机。
为了新一代Sense 3D扫描仪的发布,我们再次决定利用桌上足球来测试我们的工具。
(上图)我们正在使用全新的Sense扫描仪配合一台Surface Pro平板扫描产品经理Josh Kistner。
(上图)扫描完成后,将数据导入Geomagic Sculpt虚拟雕刻设计软件中进行平顺化处理,并进行自定义,从而能够更好地再现Josh的面部特征。将人物下方的桌上足球部分的CAD数据导入Geomagic Sculpt的过程十分简便,导入后便可以与完成后的Josh数模相结合。
建模完成后,数据便可以直接用于3D打印了,于是将其发送至CubePro 3D打印机。