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I agree the items, technology/technical data and/or services will not be used for any purposes, to include design, production, assembly, testing, operation, integration, installation, inspection, maintenance, repair, overhaul, or refurbishment, related to a military or defense application or military End-Use or by a military End-User in the People’s Republic of China, Venezuela, Burma (Myanmar) or Russia; or any other country, state or province named in US Regulation 744.21 Supplement 2. The product(s) software, and/or technology acquired from 3D Systems will not be re-exported, sold or otherwise re-sold or transferred to a destination subject to UN, EU or OSCE embargo where that act would be in breach of the terms of that embargo sold, or transferred inviolate on of Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items;We will not sell, transfer, export, or re-export any items received from 3D Systems for use in activities that involve nuclear explosive activities; unsafeguarded nuclear activities; nuclear fuel cycle or nuclear propulsion activities; or in the design, development, production, stockpiling, or use of chemical weapons, biological weapons, missiles, rocket systems or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)

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  • 位置详细信息

    Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel
    Taipei City

合作伙伴 :


誠邀您参加3D Systems在台北舉行的積層製造解決方案研討會,與來自3D Systems的全球知名3D列印專家以及業界先進齊聚一堂,探索積層製造的變革力量。

  • 積層製造工業化:了解積層製造如何優化製程,提高效率,並實現大規模客製化生產。
  • 創新製造: 解鎖航太、汽車等領域的新應用- 3D列印正加速重塑航太和汽車等高端領域,将創新與研發推向新高度。
  • 聚合物和金屬材料之3D列印解决方案: 探索3D列印技術和材料的最新進展,為聚合物和金屬積層制造提供多元解決方案。



11:00 AM 


11:30 AM 


11:45 AM 

3D Systems 在亞太地區的願景: 將挑戰轉化為技術機遇

12:00 PM 


13:00 PM 

創新製造: 改變航太、汽車及其他領域的嶄新應用

13:30 PM 


14:00 PM 

共同達成成功: 客戶故事 (航太與半導體)

14:30 PM 



專題討論 1:聚合物

專場 2:金屬

15:00 PM 

從原型到生產: 利用快速成型塑膠生產力提高產量、規模效率、重複性和製程可靠性

重新思考金屬零件設計: 從減輕重量、增加功能和簡化組裝中獲益

16:00 PM 

3D Systems 團隊問與答環節
