Production-grade industrial resin with long-term environmental stability for large scale plastic parts

  • Accura AMX Rigid Black is a game-changing resin that combines long-term environmental stability and high performing mechanical properties with the proven advantages of stereolithography, including superior surface finish, accuracy, and repeatability.

    Engineered for plastic parts requiring a good balance of heat deflection temperature, flexural modulus and elongation at break, this production-grade resin delivers similar stress-strain toughness to standard thermoplastics, making it ideal for parts that require long-term durability and strength in indoor and outdoor conditions.

    Printed parts exhibit comparable surface quality to injection-molded plastics while the high isotropic mechanical properties enable superior part performance repeatability.

    Accura AMX Rigid Black is ideal for cost-efficiently delivering structural load-bearing custom end-use components, large manufacturing aids, jigs and fixtures, and for direct production to replace injection molding or soft tooling processes. With its exceptional surface finish and mechanical properties, it is well suited for manufacturing and engineering applications across a range of industries, including automotive and motorsports, and consumer goods.

  • Accura® AMX™ Rigid Black

  • 应用

    • 免工具制作,当天生产
    • 小型黑色塑料部件的直接数字化生产,包括:电机外壳、连接头、卡扣连接、汽车内饰和其他通用部件
    • 用以替代注塑成型或软模加工工艺的数字化生产
  • 优势

    • 改善机械特性和性能特性随时间的环境稳定性
    • 较高吞吐量,使部件能快速到手,无需二次热固化
    • 简单的单一溶剂清洗
    • 出色的表面质量和可重复性
    • 精确、低变形的材料,确保首个部件快速成功打印
  • 特征

    • 50 微米层厚下的打印速度高达 62 毫米/小时
    • 70°C 的热变形温度,12% 的断裂伸长率
    • 耐久性和强度
    • UL94 HB 可燃性
    • 符合 ISO10993-5 和 ISO10993-10 标准的生物相容性要求
    • 颈缩处在拉伸断裂点时表现出热塑塑料特性
  • Material Properties

    The full suite of mechanical properties is given per ASTM and ISO standards where applicable. Properties like flammability, dielectric properties, and 24-hour water absorption are also provided for better understanding of material capabilities to help design decisions using the material. All parts are conditioned per ASTM recommended standards for a minimum of 40 hrs at 23°C, 50% RH. Solid material properties reported were printed along the vertical axis (ZX-orientation). As detailed in the Isotropic Properties section, stereolithography material properties are relatively uniform across print orientations. Parts do not need to be oriented in a particular direction to exhibit these properties

  • Isotropic properties

    Stereolithography technology prints parts that are generally isotropic in mechanical properties meaning the parts printed along either the XYZ axis will give similar results. Parts do not need to be oriented to get the highest mechanical properties, further improving the degree of freedom for part orientation for mechanical properties.

  • Long Term Environmental Stability

    Accura AMX Rigid Black is engineered to give long term environmental UV and humidity stability. This means the material is tested for the ability to retain a high percent of the initial mechanical properties over a given period of time. This provides real design conditions to consider for the application or part. Actual data value is on Y-axis, and data points are % of initial value.

  • Indoor Stability

    Tested per ASTM D4329 standard method.

    Accura AMX Rigid Black Indoor Elongation Chart
  • Outdoor Stability

    Tested per ASTM G154 standard method.

    Accura AMX Rigid Black Outdoor Tensile Strength Chart

  • Chemical and Automotive Fluid Compatibility

    Hydrocarbons and cleaning chemical compatibility can be critical to application compatibility. Accura AMX Rigid Black parts were tested for sealed and surface contact compatibility per ASTM D543 test conditions and per USCAR2 test conditions. The full data sheet includes additional data tables for tensile modulus, notched impact strength and elongation at break.

  • Automotive Fluid Compatibility

    Accura AMX Rigid Black USCAR Tensile Strength Chart
  • Chemical Compatibility

    Accura AMX Rigid Black Chemical ASTM Tensile Strength Chart

Download the material technical specifications:




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