Benefits of Pellet Extrusion
Polymer Pellet Feedstocks
Examples of Pellet Extrusion Production Parts
Through Braskem’s partnership with 3D Systems, we have combined competencies in machine development and polymer design to introduce a unique product to the market. It is our goal to continue to listen to the needs of our clients and evolve our 3D product portfolio to best support the value chain. We look forward to our continued collaboration.—Jason Vagnozzi, Braskem Additive Manufacturing Leader, North America
EXT 1070 Titan Pellet
3D Systems 的旗舰款颗粒挤出打印机能打印中到大幅面部件,建模体积可达到 1070 毫米 x 1070 毫米 x 1118 毫米(42 英寸 x 42 英寸 x 44 英寸)。
EXT 1270 Titan Pellet
3D Systems 最大的 3D 打印机,能够使用直接颗粒进料 3D 打印技术打印高达 6 英尺的全尺寸部件。
EXT 800 Titan Pellet
我们的入门级工业颗粒挤出3 D 打印机具有紧凑框架,可以轻松穿过标准双开门。